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Raniero Regni
Vol. 3 nº3 (Diciembre 2014). "María Montessori: una lectura desde y para el s. XXI", Monográfico/Tema del mes, pages 97-108
Submitted: Feb 20, 2018 Published: Dec 30, 2014
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Montessori began her discovery of childhood starting from the polarization of attention in young children. Behind attention are the powers of the absorbent mind that neuroscience today is discovering with irrefutable empirical evidence. It is the pedagogy of attention: attention to the child, attention to the details, focus on the attention of the child. Studies on attention and the relationship between attention and memory have confirmed that it is necessary to give children the opportunity to focus on a specific activity for a long time using suitable materials, without interruptions. Today, there are many technologies that break up the attention of children and young people. This is why Montessori education and teaching is more relevant today than at the beginning of the last century.


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