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María del Pilar Vidal Puga
Volumen 4, nº1 (Abril 2015). Materiales y Recursos Didácticos para la Educación Infantil, Monográfico/Tema del mes, pages 161-188
Submitted: Feb 21, 2018 Published: Feb 21, 2018
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This article attempts to contextualize the concepts of medium, material and technological resources in pre-school education, as a fundamental stage of the school term, where the use of different means and resources helps teachers to be guides in our young pupils’ learning process. This article is about the importance of the evaluation and selection of these materials by the teachers and, therefore, about the need for both technical and didactic training in this field. Multimedia, interactivity, hypermedia and hypertext concepts are treated and various types of multimedia materials are described as well as the possibilities of use that can be given at this early stage. I also included examples of experiences in the use of some of these media, mainly computer and digital blackboard, and their motivation capabilities on this educational stage.

These personal experiences, which take place in diferents schools where I have worked as a pre-school teacher, are exemples of diverse uses of these mediums, materials and technological resources.


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