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Anna Bondioli
Università di Pavia
Donatella Savio
Università di Pavia
Vol. 6 No. 1-2 (2017): Evaluación de contextos en educación infantil, Monográfico/Tema del mes, pages 82-97
Submitted: Mar 12, 2018 Published: Mar 14, 2018
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The article sets out the point of view of Italian researchers on the educational evaluation research that they have carried out as consultants in collaboration with Brazilian researchers, in order to develop quality indicators valid for children’s services in Brazil. The path refers to a participative and reflexive evaluation approach developed by Italian researchers after extensive research carried out in Italian educational services: evaluation such as “promotion from within” (Savio, 2009; Bondioli & Savio, 2010; Bondioli & Savio, 2014 a e b; Bondioli, 2015 a e b). Being adopted in a socio-cultural context different from that where it was born, with the direct and active involvement of Brazilian teachers, has subjected the approach and its fundamental aspects to stress, such as for example, the participatory and reflective dimensions. On the other hand, this stress has permitted us to look deeper into, and confirm, both the permeability and the strength of the approach in relation to the “foreign” socio-cultural perspective with which it was connected. The theoretic framework of “promoting from within” is presented together with the methods that characterize it, the issues raised by the application of the methodology in the Brazilian context, solutions found by Italian researchers and the results of these solutions in terms of permeability and strength of the approach.


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