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Rocío Cruz Díaz
Universidad Pablo de Olavide
Vol. 7 No. 2-3 (2018): Educación infantil y familia, Monográfico/Tema del mes
Submitted: Jun 22, 2018 Published: Jan 8, 2019
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The aim of the present study, in order to provide educational tools, not only for experts and teaching professionals, but all the people that play their heroic role as parents of Early Childhood Education children, together with the interest in systematizing the educational literature around the principles of dialogic communication, allows us to identify the main axes of the educational system that requires our attention, especially with the youngest. On the one hand, the need to give exceptionality to the role of the family in the education of their children; while emphasizing methodologically and conceptually, in dialogical models of essential learning; to, finally, promote tools and strategies that facilitate the prevention of family-school conflicts as potential generators of social exclusion triggering absenteeism and / or school failure. We began to contextualize the principles of communication from a communicative-critical perspective (dialogical pedagogy) and the importance of a participative and communicative family-school coexistence. We move forward with the study of the Learning Communities and how this educational model has been highlighted by experts in the subject, to finish with a modest contribution of experiences, models of reference with an incursion in the schools of parents and in the communicative role that adopt the technological tools in the “net society”. We hope that this study will help parents and educators to overcome the difficulties of coexistence and social adaptation through dialogical learning and family-school interrelation.


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