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Francesca Salis
Università Carlo Bo di Urbino
Vol. 7 No. 2-3 (2018): Educación infantil y familia, Experiencias
Submitted: Jul 2, 2018 Published: Jan 8, 2019
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In this paper, we intend to investigate the already generalized and consolidated digital competences, dominated from early childhood, co-constructed and experienced in cooperative and collaborative situations through the Digital Storytelling. Digital Storytelling is narrative mode supported by multimedia and digital resources capable of amplifying, through the simultaneous use of multiple codes and communication languages, the construction of knowledge, increasing collateral opportunities: for example in a formal context such as school, Digital Storytelling will help a teacher to share knowledge in a better way and improve meta-reflection. The reflection will start from synthetic but essential considerations on Pedagogy, Special Didactics and inclusive processes. The paper will also offer reflections on the inclusive potential of narration as a cognitive, emotional and socializing instrument of knowledge, capable of creating educational contexts close to the interests of students and give adequate responses to the complex emerging learning needs. We specifically wish focus on the construction of a digital learning environment such as Digital Storytelling. This new mean of expression promotes competence, developing linguistic and technological skills, organizational capacity and enables a sense of collaboration, respecting the differences of each one. After a theoretical reflection on the perspective of the technological narrative and its implications in the field of Special Didactics, we will analyze a hypothesis of application in the primary education classroom.


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