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Anna Scalfaro
Università di Bologna
Vol. 6 No. 1-2 (2017): Evaluación de contextos en educación infantil, Miscelánea, pages 112-121
Submitted: Mar 12, 2018 Published: Mar 14, 2018
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The essay focuses on the figure and the work of Laura Bassi (1883-1950), a preschool teacher operating in a number of Italian kindergartens between the first and second half of the twentieth century. Ms. Bassi developed a method of child education based on the musical rhythm. She recognized the importance of the perception of rhythm for the psychological and physical development of the child. She conceived and organized translations of musical rhythm into movement, design and word. This essay reviews the life of Laura Bassi, illustrates the method called “Ritmica integrale”, focuses on the reception of this method at the time and the difficulties in divulging her pedagogical and didactic concepts . Despite persistent attempts, she was never able to set up a school for teacher’s training. Nowadays her method has practically been lost, but it retains a considerable historical importance.


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