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Jorge Raedó
Vol. 13 No. 1 (2024): Derechos desde el nido, Experiencias
Submitted: Dec 6, 2023 Accepted: Jul 31, 2024 Published: Jan 2, 2025
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This project with the Kindergarten is part of the formulation of the School of Art for Children and Young People (EANJ) of the Faculty of Arts of the National University of Colombia, carried out in 2015. The purpose of the School of Art for Children and Young People is to provide goal-oriented education to achieve comprehensive training of the child in the multiliteracy of the languages of art. It develops expression skills in the student, reaching a level that would allow them to apply for admission to vocational and university arts education. In this experience report, contributions from the theoretical report on the EANJ (what it is, what it teaches, organization) and the development of a transdisciplinary project carried out with the Kindergarten ("El Periódico, Separata Arte") are recovered.

The project was called Separata "Arte'' of PIJUN (Children's Newspaper, Kinder of the National University), it was developed with eighteen 4-year-old boys and girls from the Preschool Group A. The objective was the representation in two dimensions of daily experiences lived and suggested by the guest artists. The methodology combines co-teaching between the group's teacher and the guest artists so that the students have a comprehensive experience of the body in space and the subsequent exploration of the representation materials.

Ten workshop sessions and a day of presentation of PIJUN Separata “Arte” were held, being the space to socialize the experience with other groups, families and the community.


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