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Miguel Ángel Zabalza Beraza
Universidad de Santiago de Compostela
María Ainoa Zabalza Cerdeiriña
Universidad de Vigo
Vol. 7 No. 1 (2018): Neurociencias y educación infantil, Monográfico. Introducción, pages 78-85
Submitted: Jul 6, 2018 Published: Jul 13, 2018
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It is not expected that the neurosciences solve the problems of Early Childhood Education, nor those that afflict teachers training. But it would be enough if they could help us to illuminate our actions with a different light, the one that comes from scientific evidences. Based on this position of quite relative expectations, this article raises three points of special relevance for those of us who work in Early Childhood Education: (a) what the neurosciences have given us from the point of view of child development; (b) what we can use from their contributions in educational work and (c) what new knowledge about the brain requires of us in terms of teachers training.


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