Desarrollo de competencias globales a través del juego intencional: Derecho de participar y tener voz
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In the current “technology age” educators have seen the need to reinvent pedagogies that incorporate technological tools that at the same time preserve the child as the center of the educational process. We live in a changing world; each day brings new dilemmas to solve. The new generations are inheriting several challenges —climate change, immigration, war conflicts, poverty, and more —that require strong thinking dispositions and global competencies. There are countless questions for which our students will have to seek answers. Therefore, from an early age, students must develop global competencies through critical thinking, innovation, effective communication, and collaboration. Educators should promote agency for change in students allowing them to participate and have a voice.
Educators have an ethical responsibility to prepare children to be responsible global citizens. This article presents some reviews of the author’s research involving children in intentional play as a testament to the efficacy of this approach to help children think globally and act locally.