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Dolores Madrid Vivar
Mª Rocío Pascual Lacal
Volumen 4, nº1 (Abril 2015). Materiales y Recursos Didácticos para la Educación Infantil, Miscelánea, pages 193-209
Submitted: Feb 21, 2018 Published: Feb 21, 2018
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We are aware of the strong influence that education has on building our future. We also know that the main agents – teachers – are key to the consolidation of a democratic society. In this respect, teachers should never believe to have fulfilled all their training. More than ever before, we must continue our education in order to carry out our increasingly harder duties in the teaching field. Moreover, continuing education is an unavoidable responsibility for every teacher in our current society, given the high amount of changes taking place in education. In our case, this applies to pre-school education.The concept of training has been the mirror for the process of continuous changes in education. We believe that continuing education for teachers should be developed within a professional culture, in accordance with the following elements: its context and the development of the competences, procedures and strategies required to support the teachers’ involvement in the classroom. A good model of continuing education must consider the teachers’ profile and the educational practices in each school.Our teaching experience has shown us that theoretical ideas do not automatically achieve changes at a practical level. Not even the use of information and communication technologies, or the new pieces of legislation on educational matters, or the latest training brought by external agents and designed to be implemented in the classroom. «The transformation has to come from within, from our own reflection on these issues, from our commitment and our wish for a change for the better in education» (Alarcón, 2012, p. 103).


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