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  • Anna Lia Galardini
Anna Lia Galardini
Vol. 2 No. 2 (2013), Miscelánea, pages 159-168
Submitted: Feb 20, 2018 Published: Feb 20, 2018
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This paper intends to focus briefly the cultural and political identity of nido d’infanzia in Italy. Since its inception, in fact, the nido has not proposed solely as a service to families, but also as an articulated educational project, able to take a step forward both to politics and to the culture of childhood. The key to this important development lies primarily in local roots of early childhood services and participation that has been able to stimulate in the local community.

For this reason it is important to continue to cultivate the quality of educational services, through constant attention to the contexts by observation and focusing constantly on the field training of educators and professionals working in this field.

Another determining factor in the quality of services for early childhood is characterized by constant dialogue with families. More effort is required to educators today than in the past, in the relationship with families, who are increasingly complex.

We can not forget, finally, that invest in children, starting from the smallest, means investing in the future of society: it is a proposal that, far from being a utopia, is supported by several internationally renowned economists.


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